Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Shop Talk 2

I'm not a very active blogger, but when I do post updates it's usually to my DeviantArt page or on my LiveJournal. In case anyone stumbles on to this page here, I'm going to try to keep things recently-ish updated by re-publishing my original postings from my other sites. :)

Shop Talk (originally published on 03/16/2008)

These are some of my latest covers, which are also some of my personal faves. I'm sensing a color theme happening here...I'm not sure why, but I'm really into blues and golds. I just love those colors, and they translate really well on websites:

Cover art by Anne Cain

Cover art by Anne Cain

Cover art by Anne Cain

Cover art by Anne Cain

I've also been sitting on a few exciting newsbits that I don't want to share too early. It's not "Holy-Guacamole-It-Will-Change-Your-Life-Forever-!!!-news", but I'm jazzed about it and I'll definitely keep everyone posted once the details and paperwork have been worked out.